🌹 Happy Mother's Day

I don't care you forget what I said five minutes ago, I don't care how many times you say the same thing. If you remember that I am your mother's daughter, that's enough. Mom, Thank you for being my mother always.

私が5分前に言ったことを忘れても構わないし、同じことを何度言っても構わない。私がお母さんの娘だということを覚えていてくれたら、それで十分です。お母さん、いつも私の母でいてくれてありがとう。Click HERE


                                      Click HERE to see Dragon

All the best for 2024! 今年も宜しくお願い致します。 Click HERE

🎄Merry Christmas





 Merry Lazy and Easy Christmas! Sorry, I can't beat age, presents will be delivered for you remotely. , Ho, ho, ho.  🎅 Click Here

                 All the best 2024!  

☆Happy Mother's day 💖

Mom, even after more than 50 years, the image of you is still the same for me as it was then. Thank you for being my mother, because of you, I am me.




★3分の一すぎて、New yearの挨拶?!!

I noticed already April now. Time pass faster than arrows lately. I wish you a Happy New Year even after all this time. Even demons must be stunned.


☆Merry Christmas 2022

May peace, happiness and prosperity be yours during this Holiday, the New Year and always. All the best for 2023!

GO to Christmas story HERE



☆ またひとつ年をいただいちゃった~! Happy Birthday to Me!

Aww… am I another year older.… again?! Time went by so fast, and getting faster year by year, but I know time is always moving with same speed except my action and brain movement that have been getting slower with increasing age! I was disappointed myself sometimes… but these days, I can see and be touched with plant, birds and flowers are brooming on the road side as my walking and thinking pace are getting slow. What a wonderful life is starting! I realize getting old is final gift from God and want to be enjoying as much as possible. Never try to remember how old am I now though!



I am so glad that you are my mom,

I am so glad that I am your daughter

I am so glad that I can say this year again ‘Thanks mother and Happy Mother’s Day’ 



今年もお母さんありがとう、母の日おめでとうと言えて  幸せ!



Happy New Year!!

This is the Year of Tiger, one of Asian zodiac. Tiger is Tora in Japanese,


Let’s ‘TORA -I’ (try) something, oh, sorry, no pun intended!! Animation is HERE


なにか トライ(虎い)してみようかな~。おやじギャグじゃないんだからね~。


★ Merry Christmas... Already?!

Santa and reindeer need maintenance body, soul and sled this year… again but still we wish your Merry Christmas and Happy new year!!


★ Hiragana Chart... ねむくなっちゃう!

Subject that students can’t memorized easily than I expect isあいうえお、Japanese Alphabet, they said feel pressure to memorize showing up one after another, so I created first step again, using healing music. But this made much relax me and feeling sleepy while edited, it was not easy to reach goal! I made it finally but this video might induce you sleeping more than studying… Please memorize あいうえおin your dream without pressure .

生徒たちが 意外と覚えられないひらがな。








★ Katakana Fun quiz

Quiz it's-self is N5 level, but explanation for question level is N3~N4. Try it without subtitle. Enjoy!

カタカナおもしろクイズ。 もんだいのレベルは N5ですが、もんだいの解説はN3~N4のレベルです。じまくなしで ちょうせんしてみましょう。むずかしいかな?

★Happy Mother's Day

There are not enough words to say thank you

Or can’t tell you how much I love you.

Thanks for always being my mother.

I’m still your baby with pampers!!


Happy Mother’s Day! Look at cute animetion for Mother’s day HERE

★ Audio-visial material ' The Katakana' up-loaded too!

Katakana chart, how to read, write and use was now just up-loaded. Because of voice problem, old katakana page was revised. 

Click HERE or animation to  link Katakana practice page 


★Audio-visual materials uploaded.

As flash movie support was finished, Hiragana movie was converted MP4

and uploaded YouTube.

46 basic Alphabet pronounce and writing practice only, but modyfy, w consonant, long-vowel and sound voice chart, as well as Katakana video will be up-loaded soon. Click picture to link to Youtube or go to writing system) onepoint Lesson HERE and see Hiragana chartt.

★Happy New Year。All the best for 2021

もう、モウ、モー あたちの出番?!

うっ…モー ひと頑張りするか…。


This is the Year of OX, one of Asian zodiac. What?! It’s my time now!


OK, Keep it up just a bit longer


今年も 宜しくお願いします。



★Merry Christmas

☆ Really new year start?!!

We, Santa and Reindeer, can’t work this year due to curfew but

We still send you 💖

May peace, happiness and prosperity be yours during this Holiday


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. All the best for 2021!!


Corona pandemic changed teaching style to online class. I notice how I was enjoying face to face class, the importance  realize after I loosed.  But also I could study IT, as Kindergarten student. Always there is hope.

★Happy New Year 2020


Happy New Year!


This is the Year of Rat, one of Asian zodiac.

I’m tired of running away from Cat, will her bite even bite Click HERE to see animation of 2020 new year's card.




★Merry Christmas 2019


May the Joy and Happiness spread like the lights of a Christmas Tree. Merry Christmas To you!

Click HERE to see Christ animation 2019!







Happy New Year


猪突猛進?! ちょこっと猛進

それで十分 ここを クリックして



This is the Year of wild boar, one of Asian zodiac. Rush recklessly like this wild and strong animal… Nah… Push forward bit and continuously, that’s good enough!

                                                                 Click HERE and Enjoy animation.

★Merry Christmas


May peace, Happiness and Prosperity be yours during this Holiday and the New Year! All the best for 2019 !!

Click HERE and enjoy animation!

今年も…という間にはやクリスマス。お世話になりっぱなしの1年が過ぎようとしています。来年も宜しく宜しく。ここをクリックして 恒例のアニメをごらんください。

★Happy Mother's day

Happy Mother's day.

Mother's day is only one day in a year but I appreciate every day what did you done for me. I love you always, happy to be your daughter.

ANother wisper is HERE

❀ Happy New Year / 謹賀新年


New year 2018


This is the Year of the DOG, one of Asian zodiac. Being faithful and loyal like dog is wonderful but don’t be too sensitive to other’s mood. Remember always who you are. All the best for 2018 

Click HERE and enjoy dog whisper!


 *** 忠誠や義理ばかりじゃ身がもたないワン。たまには本音を


出してみようかな~。*** わんこの独り言 ここをクリックしてね。




★ Merry Christmas 2017

Happy Holiday! Wish your holiday will be warm and peaceful with someone special ♡ 


HERE is 'Hug you Christmas'


★Happy Mother's day






   Another message is HERE


★ Happy New Year/ 明けましておめでとうございます。

Happy New year!

Peace, joy and happiness are all yours in 2017! Let's start from believing!

Click HERE to see ' Chick fly'




★ Merry Christmas!


May peace, happiness and prosperity be yours during this Holiday and the New Year.





Click HERE and enjoy anime short lazy Christmas


☆ Happy Mother's day


Thanks mother for giving me a chance to spend time with you at mother’s day.  This is happiest moment more than anything. Hope all daughter and son to have ‘Happy mother’s day!’ Click HERE to see 'Neko smile'




☆NEW☆ Japanese cultural event

✿ Notice of Japanese culturel event: Click HERE

     Join and enjoy Japanese culture and have new experience!

☆ Happy New Year/ 謹賀新年

Happy New Year

Much Peace, Love and Joy to you all in 2016! Click picture to see Monkey smile.





★Merry Christmas 2015

2 days earlier christmas greeting.

Click picture to see christmas message♡I feel going backward, becoming slower year by year but still Christmas is coming and  enjoying it!! 



☆New journey of JET 2015

New JET 2015 are ready to go to Japan! Click HERE.

♡ Happy Mother's Dday

I’m getting old but still your baby and that’s most precious to me.

Thank you mother, love you always.

Click pic or HERE to see tiny anime.




Happy New Year! Best wishes for the 2015!

Click anime or HERE to see New Year's  brief 2015.



Early Christmas Greeting

'With all good wishes for Christmas and New Year.'

Regular Santa and reindeer make lonely snowman happy at Christmas eve

Animation is HERE

一足早いクリスマスアニメをお届けします。       いつものサンタとトナカイが、今年は不幸な雪だるま君を幸せにします。



Happy Mother's day 2014. Click picture to start mother's day animation.


Happy New Year!  All the best for 2014. Click picture or link to see animation with nice sound that might give you 'Genki (Energy). Here

明けましておめでとうございます。今年も皆様にとって前進の年でありますように。 今年もよろしくお願いします。ちょっと元気になるサウンド付の画像作ってみました。こちらから

2 days earlier Christ massage. Click picture to see animation! Have a wonderful holiday!! Claismas animation


相変わらず手抜き。いつになったら手抜きじゃないアニメが完成するんだろう?!! クリスマスアニメ

Uploded ’Position'. Check it out here. This is selections from CD ' Tanoshii nihongo junbitaiso' Position flash


Happy mother's day! click picture to start animation.


Time flies! のんびり過ごしていたら、いつのまにか年末。あと数日でドラゴンに別れを告げて蛇にバトンタッチ。…とはいえなんだかんだ今年もいろろあった。サイトはさぼりまくったけど、一応クリスマスと正月の画像は完成。時間つぶしによってください。クリスマス物語→ここから お正月小話は→ここから

It's been long time to be in Japan. I enjoyed peace and lazy day.It's time to up to date!

Here is pic in Japan.→Pic    Blog→Here


写真→こちらから ブログ→こちらから

A Happy New Year. This is the Year of the Dragon in Chines astrology.

Fly and fire with high hope! New yar's animation is here


            素晴らしい年になりますように。アニメーションは こちらから。

Merry Christmas! Another year from last Christmas?! Time flies like an arrows. Check christmas animation. It tooks long but completed far from a work of art with corner cutting! Check it out→ here



Welcome to ’たのしい日本語じゅんびたいそう’

CD Kanji quiz part1~5 is completed. This free CD available at Language Training Centre till August. Hope you enjoy Kanji. Please remember to donate to the Japan Disaster Relief Fund.


Kanji quiz flash part1 and part2 are completed now. →Here


Intervew practice
Intervew practice

Here is exam and oral practice for LTC step 1 & 2 students. Hope improve your Japanese!! Step1→HERE    Step2→HERE


Happy New Year! All the best for 2011! This is the Year of the Rabbit( Hare) and last year was Tigher in Japanese(Chiniese origin) astrology. Here are 3 mini stories which have something to do with it. New Year's Story

★ Sample questions of LTC oral test is now up loaded


Christmas anime puzzle will be up dated. Enjoy! This game is not academic nor logical based. Complaint is not unaccptable.

      Game is HERE

クリスマスのアニメパズル作りました。時間がかかった割りに、簡単なものになってしまいました。まったく論理にかなったクイズではありませんので、文句は受け付けません。お子様と絵本でも見る気分で遊んでください。 ゲームは こちらから

New blog is here

Basic Interview questions here

If Japanese does not appear properly, go to control panel,internet option and add Japanese language.  Still problem?  






最近では5年間かけて製作した視聴覚教材「たのしい日本語じゅんびたいそうEnglish title :Enjoyable Japanese Warm-Up 」の作成を完成させました。

「ひらがなの読み方と書き方」「カタカナの読み方、書き方、つかい方とカタカナクイズ」「漢字小学一年生」「漢字小学二年生」「漢字小学三~六年抜粋」「言葉 」(Word )「会話」(Conversation)「おもしろ四択総合問題」(Fun Quiz)で構成されているこの教材はアニメを見ながら覚えられ、あまり長時間机に向かうのが きらいなかたにもぴったりです。この教材の使い方 Tourをアップしましたので、 御参照ください。 近日中にジャマイカ国内の教育機関、Bookストアにて発売を予定して おります。全世界で教えていらっしゃる日本語教師のかた、御家族の方に日本語を勉強してもらいたいという方にとってもお役に立てば幸いです。これからも、いろいろな方法で楽しみながら日本語学習の向上につながるようがんばりたいと思います。


*「たのしい日本語じゅんびたいそう(Enjoyable Japanese warm-up)

     つかい方(How to use Tour

 *  商品の御案内/ About product   Production




☆概要 Out line  アップしました。ページの説明です。


いまのところ 日本語がほとんどです。生徒の日本語が上達して英語ページが


☆Do you need assistance?

Translation for English to Japanese and Japanese English are available.→ Here









It's better to studay 10minutes everyday than to studay one hour once a week!! Continuous is Key to improve language.

Your language skill will make progress by not as 'how long' study but as 'how to study'