Reggae prince,Pinchers performed at Kingston Rock

Pinchers performed at Kingston Rock on Sunday. Show was great. When I was doing music business kept show in Japan often and featuring first show is Pinchers and General Tree. That was 16 years ago. His performance make me recall my memories like yesterday. He is still prince of Reggae.


Kingston Rock




コメント: 3
  • #1

    Tomoko Uemura (月曜日, 08 11月 2010 12:24)

    Respect Kingston Rock. Show was great. We looked forward to
    see next show.

  • #2

    Lucas (土曜日, 21 7月 2012 11:56)

    I just love this site, its amazing and awesome and really speaks to you|I have activated to your rss feed which need to do the trick! Use a nice evening!

  • #3

    Tomoko Uemura (土曜日, 21 7月 2012 12:44)

    Thanks for checking site.Good trick!!

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