Merry Christmas again

 I sent my friends Christmas greeting. The some of friends said that can't link. I sent back link again,then they said ' Why seagoblin or jellyfish appear in Christmas'...

I intended draw squid.... I lost self confidence!! lol... Anyway that puzzle is based on part of my life. That's hint. Love 'Onsen' and 'Jump'!! New year's card will be up loding soon.

Any way ( With Best wishes for Christmas. All the best)

What does it look like
What does it look like

I drew as squid... Some said seagoblin or jellyfish...!


コメント: 1
  • #1

    Keneisha (日曜日, 26 12月 2010 13:25)

    Don't worry.It's surely' Squid'. Merry Christmas.

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