Japanese Intensive course for Jet and scholar

There was intensive course for new JET and scholarship student. New JET were mock teaching on final day. Japanese friends joined class pretending their students. We were enjoying wonderful mock teaching. New Jet are already great teachers.

先週JETと奨学金留学生のための集中講義を行った。最終日はJETによる模擬授業。日本人の友人達に生徒役をやってもらった。とても楽しい授業となった。彼等はすでに素晴らしい教師である。Face Bookにはアップしたものの、自分のサイトにアップするのをすっかり忘れてしまい、遅くなってしまった!



☆Do you need assistance?

Translation for English to Japanese and Japanese English are available.→ Here









It's better to studay 10minutes everyday than to studay one hour once a week!! Continuous is Key to improve language.

Your language skill will make progress by not as 'how long' study but as 'how to study'