しゅくだいの pageです。しめきり(Deadline)におくれないように。Print out して もってきてください。
This is Homework page. All homework be not accepted after dead-line
Write your name (in Katakana,) occupation, major, student's year, hobby, where and whom do you live with in Japanese.(Write place where do you live in English, if you don't know how to write in Katakana) Refer handout, page 6. or sample introduction mentioned below. Deadline is September 18, (Wednesday) 2024. This introduction will be based of script for Japanese presentation(writing comprehension assessment). Find out how to write your major in Japanese at 'Name of Major in Japanese' under below or Moodle. If you don't find your major, contact me Here
Listen to conversation in Video and fill out sheet provided in moodle, Utech online, Dead-line is Sept 28, 2022. This is similar to listening test(course work 2) to be held on Oct 3, 2022.
This is first draft of Japanese presentation. If you can't access Utech Moodle, use this page to download document for your homework. Do not use Google translation as sentence,(you may use to find word, but better to make sure how to use each word.) if you would use Google for sentence, it will be weird Japanese, you will be caught! Write original your sentence, using word that you have studied at class. Don't use word that you are not sure how to use. Dead line is March 15, 2023, feedback will be done on March 22 by lecturer at class. You will see contents required for presentation in Utech Writing comprehension( Utech→ Comprehension on right column). If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. がんばってください。
② HERE : Detail of writing presentation and sample wonderful video by Senpai ***