★Homework 3: Listening practice

Homework 3: Listening practice
Listen to the audio video, part 1,2,3,4 and choose the correct answer on the answer sheet.
Listening homework sheet 2024-2025 sem1.
PDFファイル 71.0 KB

☆Past assignment.

★ Listening test 2022-2023 semester 2

Listening test: answer sheet
Listen to voice 1~4 and select right answer.
COURSE WORK 2 answer sheet.pdf
PDFファイル 218.3 KB

★Homework 3 Listening practice 2021/2022 Semester 2

❀❀❀ Listen to the video under the below and complete worksheet

★ Listening Practice for 2020/2021 Semester 1                          (ききとりの れんしゅう)

This is listening practice. Listen to the each parts of flash under the below and fill out homework sheet →HERE

☆Past listening practice

★Listening practice

これはテストのための れんしゅうです。テストでは せんせいが はじめのセンテンスを2かいずつ よみます。 それから しつもんに こたえてください。

Listening test is similar to these practice mentioned below. Listen to each sentence and answer the questions. At a listening test, teacher will read sentence 2 times and you will answer the questions.

1: Part 1

Questions for Listening practice part1
Listen to listening practice part 1 and answer the question. Download HTML file. If it doesn't work proper, down load word below, print out and fill out document.
Listening practiceyontaku1_cgi.htm.html
HTMLドキュメント 12.5 KB

Choose right answer and mark it. After choose answer, click square on the left. If it will be correct you will see ○'正解’○ as in correct. Push 'リセット’( reset) to start over.'採点’(Score) might not work. がんばってください。

Questions for listneing practice part 1 word version
If web questions does not work proper use this word file.
Microsoft Word 37.0 KB

2: Part 2,3,4

Listen to the sentence of listening practice part 2,3,4 and complete the answer. Print out pdf file, fill out and bring to class. Home work: Listening practice

☆Do you need assistance?

Translation for English to Japanese and Japanese English are available.→ Here









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Your language skill will make progress by not as 'how long' study but as 'how to study'