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A short introduction of myself in Japanese, done for an assignment in my "Basic Japanese" elective. It includes my interests, likes, dislikes, among other things. Enjoy!
❁よくできました. がぞう(Picture)が きれいです。 Pretty screen!
Video presentation of me introducing myself in Japanese.
✾ ちょっと こえが ちいさいですね。でもとても かわいいプレゼンテーションです。よくできました。
This video is a short introduction of myself in Japanese as a requirement of my Basic Japanese class 2015. It includes my occupation, likes, dislikes and a small insight of my background.
Enjoy! :]
✿ Do not forget particle and an auxiliary verb!! こえは おおきくて きれいです。
My Japanese Introuduction video. November 23,2015
✿ ギャラください!
Give me entertainer's fee! Cake looks yummy. Pay attention particle and accent!
A breif introduction in Japanese speaking about my likes, dislikes, my ocupation, my hobbies etc.
Nice smile made me nearly forget vocabulary's error! Good performance.
Japanese Self Introduction
❁ことばとparticleに ちょっとまちがいが ありますが、はつおんとアクセントは、とてもいいです。びっくりした~!
There are vocabulary and particle errors, but pronounciation and accent surprised me! Gooood
Brief introduction about myself including some of my likes, dislikes and a few autobiographical details.
Enjoy! ---
✿ げんきな video ですね。BGMがとてもいいです。
Energetic video! BGM is nice
What I had to do for an short introduction of myself in Japanese. Class requirement. Not what I originally wanted to do but what I wanted to do was harder than I expected so I had to go
with this at the last minute.
❀ もっとただしいにほんごをべんきょうしてから、かきたいトピックをかいてください。
Study more accurate Japanese first and try what you want to do!
Konichiwa Sensei. This here is my introduction. It was great being your student this semester. I wish you all the best in all you do and may God bless you.
Pronunciation is good. If you would practice reading more, this presentation will be excellent. Good job still.
I know I'm late >_>. This is a thing, also, cringeworthy.
✿やっとできましたね。です、ます が いくつかぬけていますが、アニメがかわいくておもしろかったです。
Finally....Few 'Be-verb' are missing but animation is cute and interesting.
Japanese presentation, introducing myself. I hope you enjoy !
✿ちょっと、エラーが あります。でもアニメはおもしろいです。
There are few errors of grammar and vocabulary but anime editing is nice and interesting
Just a small introduction of myself in Japanese~
Arigatou gozaimasu minna-san ^_^
I never know you are actress! Good performance!! パチパチパチ
My Japanese introduction. Please enjoy!
❁はつおん、こえは いいです。にほんじん→にほんご まちがえないように!
Pronounciation, voice is ok, but do not mistake Japanese people and language.Btw, nice Jacket,look like Chinese though...
こんにちは みんなさん!This video is a short self-introduction in Japanese for the Basic Japanese Elective 2015. It includes my occupation, hobbies, likes, dislikes, and much more~ Please enjoy
everyone~ (๑>ᴗ
✾かわいいプレゼンテーションですね。おもしろくて、たのしかったです。パチパチパチ。Cute presentation.It's interesting and fun,make me laugh.
Japanese Self Introduction. Please enjoy!
✿まだまちがいはありますが'ブー’ がすこしへりました。よくがんばりました。
Alhough still there are particle and vocabulary's errors 'Boo’decreased!! You did your best.
Introduction of myself in Japanese for final assessment.
❀ もっと、よむべんきょうをしたらよかったですね。スクリプトはよかったですから。
If you would practice to reading it will be much better because script was nice.
About me
Introduction for Japanese Final Assessment
❀まちがいが たくさんあります。もっとべんきょうしましょう。
There are many errors, particle, vocabulary and pronunciation, need more study!! But thanks anyway.