It's wonderful presentation video, well done Jamaika no おとうさん。
This video will be up-loaded as one of great sample presentation. Thank you for wonderful senpai's work.
Animetion is cutue but few senstencese are left of the wriing task. Could been better!!
Did my best... hope u enjoy :)
There are few errors but voice is crealy and accent is prety as well as edditing is nice, well done.
Accent、intrnation , editing are wonderful. very cute presentation.
ぱちぱちまちぱち!! Good Job
Animation diary
Animation match woth script, it's enjoyable presentation. accent is not so bad, good job!! Character in this presentation look like you, is this original, you created it?! if its so, wow!!
These are the best pronunciations I could make. Ganbatte Kudasai Sensei!! アクセントやはつおんのまちがいがたくさんあります。もううすこし’がんばってください’Many errors there are I know you studied hard but 'Motto ganbatte kudasai' is what I want to say to you!! lol...
Not the best but I did all I could hope you all like it or at least find it cute hehe
たくさんまちがいがあります。アニメとスクリプトがあっていません。でもこえがかわいい。There are many errors, animations does not match with script some parts but your voice cute! If you would be practice more, もっとかわいい!
Animation took longer than expected. It was fun while I lasted though :) ちょっとまちがいがありますが、アクセントやはつおん、アニメやエディットがすばらしいです。There are few grammatical errors but accents, pronunciation, animation and editing are wonderful. good job! Is this charcter your original? is that so you are amaizing!
はじめのはんぶんはよかったのに…プレゼンテーションがはんぶんだけになってしまいました。じかんがあるときかんせいしてください。First half is Ok, hope you will complete this presentation, when you have time!!