★ Presentation Video by UTECH 2013/2014 sem1

Send me link of your presentation site with your name, title and summary here.            I will up load your video in this page

★ Japanese video project rubric
Here is rubric of Japanese presentation video for reference.
JPN3001 Video Project Rubric.docx
Microsoft Word 17.9 KB

* Sample video

Sample presentation video for beginner(Step1) is HERE

 ☆みんなの ビデオさくひん

  * Video Project by UTECH Japanese Class- 2013/2014 Semester2

★ Video project by Kelroy Brown

Theme: About me with special cards plus a FUNNY secret
Name: Kelroy Brown
ID# 1101780   PS: Beware of ninjas

せんせいより: かわいい! キャラクターはオリジナル ですか?あなたは忍者だったんですね!

Cute!!!   These character is your original?!! I never know you are Ninjya! One verb is ' boo desu' Not ' Kuremasu' ' Agemasu!' However good job!! I'm impress.

☆ Video project by Halenette Allen

Theme: にほんごで はなします。

☆ Video project by Richard Holgate

Title: Richard Learns Japanese and loves it!

Summary: I did Japanese for my University Elective at University of Technology Jamaica. Japanese is fun and I wish to continue itin the future then visit Japan. The culture is wonderful. This video presentation highlighting a but of what I have learn.



☆ Video project by Antonio Lawrence

☆ Video project by Heather Phillpotts

Theme: Philly's Autobiography

☆ Video project by Christina Campbell

Theme: Christina's Japanese school !

☆ Vidop project by Kyoie Gooden


☆ Video project by Shinigami

Title: Ameko Hime

Japanese video project by 5 members of Shinigami, Newton Harris, Alexine Waite, Noel Nelson, Kyoni Gooden Tricia Channer.

Fr. Sensei: Good teamwork! Weldone Tricia, You did do great job as a Shinigami Leader! ぱち、ぱち、ぱち!

☆ Video project by Shauna-Marie Gray

Theme: All about me :)

☆ Video project by Miguel Rose

Theme: Japanese video presentation

☆ Video project by Adam Morris

Theme: About me

Summary : Things about me and the life that I live and enjoy day by day

☆ Video project by Kerry-Ann Dawkins

Title: Japanese video for Kerry-Ann Dawkins

☆ Video project by Kristoff Crealy

Theme: Japanese video

☆Do you need assistance?

Translation for English to Japanese and Japanese English are available.→ Here









It's better to studay 10minutes everyday than to studay one hour once a week!! Continuous is Key to improve language.

Your language skill will make progress by not as 'how long' study but as 'how to study'